Tag: <span>ReasMod16</span>

02.02 How can I create a model of something that is very large?

(introduction = 3 minutes reading and a 7 minute video) To Scale: The Solar System from Wylie Overstreet on Vimeo. The distances between the planets are very large and ever changing as they move around the sun. There are a few ways of expressing very large numbers. One google can …

01.04 How do I think like a mathematician?

(5 minutes reading and 20 minutes for each activity) Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash Many students think they ‘are not good at math’. When they encounter something they don’t know or understand, they stop. Yet most students wouldn’t consider they need to give up reading an article or a …

01.05 How can I calculate a project’s supplies accurately?

(5 minutes reading this part of the post only) “Cedar Basket” by born1945 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 When someone says they are a weaver, immediately an image of someone working a loom comes to mind. Yet, basket weaving is possibly one of the oldest human crafts. Baskets were fashioned out of whatever …